Saturday, 1 May 2010

Averaging Out

It can only be a good thing that Fiona 'The Last Word' Barby has introduced an averaging system to the Red Lion Tuesday team. On any given night, the two lowest scoring players will be dropped for the following week. It's not personal, you play your game, and are judged on your average points throughout the match. Fair enough!

Fair enough? Well maybe. Let's ask Neil 'Down in One' Barby if it's as fair as all that...

I've seen Neil's awesome throwing potential. I've seen his 'lazy-but-deadly' chucking style. I've seen the way Neil 'BOSSES THE RED LION SKITTLES TABLE'. I've seen it... I've seen his tattooed cheese'n'skittles majesty. So why is the Red Lion's deadliest skittler passed over time and time again.....

OK, I admit that Neil doesn't actually want to play, but hey! Neither do I.... Sometimes, just asking isn't enough. Neil must play. The bar can run itself. The Red Lion Tuesday Skittles Team needs 'Neil Power'. Come on Fiona, do the right thing. Play Neil. You know he wants to....

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